In this section you will find relevant information about the technical aspects of investing in the IBC.
Looking for an investment location? Find out about the advantages of investing in Madeira.
Now that your company is up and running, here you can find practical day-to-day information.
Tax benefits, registration forms, contacts, news and updates. You will find here all the information you need about MAR.
Welcome to Madeira’s International Business Center
Madeira’s International Business Center (Madeira’s IBC) offers a very attractive set of benefits, including tax and operational benefits, in a well-regulated and monitored business environment. Madeira’s IBC covers three main areas of activity: International Services, the Industrial Free Trade Zone and MAR- Madeira’s International Ship Registry.
Madeira’s IBC is located in the Archipelago of Madeira, an autonomous region of Portugal and a member of the European Union, positioned on the Atlantic coast, 900 km southwest of Lisbon. Funchal, the capital of the archipelago has around 254,000 inhabitants. Madeira enjoys a stable political and social environment and has its own governmental bodies: a Parliament and the Regional Government.
Madeira's interest as a business jurisdiction largely resides in its International Business Centre, a major attraction for foreign investors which was recognized by the European Union as a legitimate player in the development of the island's economy.
Madeira’s International Business Center is fully integrated into Portuguese and European legal systems, which makes it a prime location for effective investments ina well-regulated business centre, described by the OECD as a model to follow.