S.D.M. was created in 1984 by public and private investors.
In 1987, S.D.M. was granted the public concession of the Free Trade Zone of Madeira, for a period of 30 years. In January 2021, SDM became a public company fully owned by the Regional Government of Madeira.
S.D.M. receives and issues, in articulation with the Regional Government, the licenses for companies to operate within the Madeira's IBC.
S.D.M. has a team of 30 professionals working in the Madeira offices.
An efficient network of SDM's Correspondents covers the main international markets.
is responsible, on behalf of the Regional Government of Madeira, for the management, administration and promotion of the International Business Centre of Madeira (IBC). These responsibilities include the construction of the infrastructure in the Industrial Free Trade Zone of Madeira and the promotion of MAR – Madeira’s International Shipping Register.
S.D.M. was created in 1984 by public and private investors and has, since the beginning, cooperated with the Regional and National Government on the terms and conditions of the creation and development of the IBCM. In 1987, S.D.M. was granted the public concession of the Free Trade Zone of Madeira or International Business Centre of Madeira, for a period of 30 years. In January 2021, the private shares of SDM were acquired by the Regional Government, becoming a fully public company.
As part of its responsibilities, S.D.M. receives and issues, in articulation with the Regional Government, the licences for companies to operate within Madeira's IBC. In addition, SDM collects the registration and annual licence fees that are due to the Autonomous Region of Madeira by companies licensed in the IBC and by ships registered in MAR, which constitute public revenue.
Other operational, commercial and regulatory aspects, such as the constant changes in the markets, the permanent international competition for the attraction of foreign investment, the internal guidelines and the directives adopted by the European Union, are also subject to S.D.M.’s full attention, which in full cooperation with the Regional, National and European authorities, seek to efficiently develop Madeira's IBC and fulfil its objectives as a programme of economic regional development.
At the operational level, S.D.M. works closely with corporate service providers who, in turn, provide all the support foreign investors need in order to adequately set up and manage their companies in Madeira. Recognised service providers, the so-called “Management Companies”, are included in the list provided in the “Supporting Services" section.
S.D.M. - Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Madeira, S.A. has sold 100% of the share capital of its sole subsidiary, S.D.E.M. - Sociedade de Desenvolvimento Empresarial da Madeira, Sociedade Unipessoal, S.A., pursuant to a decision from the competent regional secretary and with authorization from the Regional Government Council of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. This transaction was executed through a sale and purchase agreement dated 29 September 2023, in compliance with the procedures outlined in Article 10 of the Legal Regime of the Business Sector of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, as established by Regional Legislative Decree No. 15/2021/M of 30 June, and further governed by Regional Legislative Decree No. 37/2012/M of 12 December, as well as Regional Regulatory Decree No. 13/2023/M of 18 August. This sale reflects a reassessment of the need to retain the said company within the regional business sector, aims to unlock potential revenue, and seeks to enhance its contribution to the regional economy through increased engagement in the private sector.