Personal formalities

Fiscal identification number

The registration for tax purposes and consequent issue of the fiscal card ("cartão de contribuinte") will allow to proceed with several formalities such as requiring water, energy or gas supply or to rent or purchase property.

The fiscal card may be requested at any tax office or at the Citizen’s Bureau, by any Portuguese, EU or third country citizen or by his legal representative. A provisional fiscal card will be issued at the time of the request. The final card will be sent to the domicile of the card owner or of his legal representative.

Social security

The Portuguese National Health System (SNS) provides access to medical consultation in hospitals and health centres distributed throughout Madeira, subject to a small fee (called "taxa moderadora"), and free internment and surgery in public hospitals, as well as a co-participation in the costs of a list of medication prescribed by public or private medical institutions. In addition, beneficiaries are entitled to illness and maternity leave subsidies.

The registration at the SNS is the responsibility of the employing company which must inform the local Social Security centre of the admission of new employees. However, beneficiaries must request the issue of the user card (cartão de utente) at the local health centre. In the case of non-EU individuals, a working visa or a residence permission will be required.

Citizens Bureau

The above described formalities may be carried out at the Loja do Cidadão or “Citizen’s Bureau”. This is a network of “shops” that provide conveniently integrated services to citizens in diferent areas such as tax, visas, social security and other matters. The citizen's bureau in Funchal is located in the center of the city, at Avenida Arriaga, near the office and shopping areas.

Bank accounts

The requirements and formalities for opening bank accounts in Portugal are set by the Bank of Portugal. In the case of private individuals, documentation such as passport, fiscal card and residence permit, as well as information concerning the professional activity of the applicant will be requested.

In the case of companies, the requested information will include the company’s activity and the identification of shareholders as well as managers or directors of the company. Other requested documentation includes the commercial registration certificate and the identification card issued by the National Company Registrar (RNPC).

The above-listed documentation must also be provided when the bank has not a direct contact with the account holder or his legal representative through the submission by registered mail of certified copies or a written declaration issued by a bank in which the applicant holds a bank account.

Importation of personal goods

The importation of certain personal goods from non-EU countries will be exempt from import duties when brought by citizens moving their permanent residence into Madeira. This includes furniture, home equipment and provisions, personal objects, home clothing, private motorcycles or cars, yachts or touristic planes, domestic pets and other personal goods not intended to be commercialized.

Excluded from the above-mentioned exemption are tobacco and alcohoolic products, commercial vehicles and materials for professional use with the exception of portable instruments for mechanical arts or liberal professions.

The exemption will only be conceded to citizens residing in the country of origin for more than 12 months and owning the imported goods for more than 6 months.

The reception and clearance of the goods in Madeira will require the support of a customs clearance agent who will take care of all the formalities and paperwork with the customs authorities in Madeira.

Relevant Contacts

Centro Regional do Emprego / Regional Employment Center
Rua do Hospital Velho, 26, 9060-129 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291213269
Fax: +351.291220029

Inspecção Regional do Trabalho / Regional Work Inspection
Rua da Boa Viagem, 36, 3º, 9060-0027 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291200140
Fax: +351.291200141

SEF – Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras / SEF- Foreigners and Frontiers Services
Rua Nova da Rochinha, 1 – B, 9054-519 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291214150/ 214160
Fax: +351.291214188

DRAF - Direcção Regional dos Assuntos Fiscais / Regional Tax Office
Rua 31 de Janeiro, 29 – 2º andar, 9054-533 Funchal
Tel: +351.291225413
Fax: +351.291225675

Loja do Cidadão/ Citizen’s Bureau
Edifício Arriaga, Av. Arriaga n.º42 – A, 9000 – 064 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291212200
Fax: +351.291212220

APRAM – Madeira’s Port Administrator
Av. Sá Carneiro, 3, 4 e 5, 9004-518 Funchal
Tel: +351.291208600
Fax: +351.291220196

ANAM – Madeira’s Airport Administrator
Edif. VIP/DAM, Aeroporto Internacional da Madeira, 9100-105 Santa Cruz
Tel.: +351.291520760
Fax: +351.291520761

Forwarding Agents

Arnaud Transitários Ilhas, S.A.
Caminho do Palheiro Ferreiro, n.º2, 9125-158 Caniço
Tel.: +351.291790220
Fax: +351.291790229

David José Pinho e Filhos, Lda.
Caminho da Ribeira Grande, 53, 9020-114 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291742121
Fax: +351.291753398

Marfrete – Agência de Navegação e Trânsitos, Lda.
Rua da Alfândega, 64 4º, 9000-059 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291226727
Fax: +351.291226708

Intermadeira – Trânsito e Navegação, Lda.
Piornais, São Gonçalo, 9060-236 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291795191
Fax: +351.291795185


Alfândega do Funchal/ Funchal’s Customs
Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses, 26, 9000-054 Funchal
Tel.: +351.291211550
Fax: +351.291211595

FaLang translation system by Faboba


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