The promotional calendar of the International Business Centre of Madeira (IBCM) for 2013 has already been set by S.D.M..
The 2013 Promotional Programme
The main goal of this promotional programme is to continue to attract foreign investment into the island, diversifying its structure of goods and services and thus increasing employment and tax revenues for Madeira.
The results of the promotional strategy carried out by S.D.M., despite the European economic and financial crisis, clearly show that it has been possible to attract new investments.
As such, two main factors helped to shape the 2013 promotional programme, namely: (1) to maintain and attract investment from both traditional and more dynamic markets of Europe and the OECD, and (2) to increase the awareness about Madeira’s IBC in emerging economies.
More than 20 promotional trips have been scheduled to promote the International Business Centre in 16 countries
The first promotional activity of 2013 will take place in Spain, in the last week of February. The main goal will be the promotion of the International Shipping Register - MAR, one of the sectors of the IBC of Madeira which has generated more interest in the Spanish market.
South America is the continental region which will have a greater number of promotional activities this year, as a result of the interest in the advantages provided by the IBCM, namely as a platform to undertake international operations by Latin American companies.
In addition, other promotional trips planned by S.D.M. intend to consolidate the presence of the International Business Centre in more recent markets, such as the case of Turkey, Russia and Colombia.
Apart from the information specifically targeted to investors who are looking to develop their business through corporate structures based in Madeira, benefiting from a reduced corporate tax rate, amongst others advantages, S.D.M. will also highlight Madeira as a business friendly location, safe and fit to receive representatives of multinational companies, thanks to its long and strong tradition in tourism.