A total of 14 promotional missions, taking place through the European and American continents, are part of the overall programme of international activities that S.D.M. will carry out during 2012 in order to promote the International Business Centre of Madeira.
This is the beginning of a new cycle for the International Business Centre of Madeira, which will face new challenges, both at national and international level, with the change from a regime of tax exemptions, which ended in 2011, into a low-tax regime formally approved by the EU until 2020.
As such and considering the set of tax benefits which is know in place, S.D.M. will continue the work of promotion in order to attract foreign investment to Madeira, thus contributing to the economic development of the Region.
In fact, during 2012 S.D.M. will carry out a total of 14 promotional missions, but will also participate actively in other initiatives to divulge the different sectors of activity of the IBC of Madeira.
As stressed by Roy Garibaldi, from the Executive Commission of S.D.M., “the promotional plan has been based on two main premises which characterize the target markets: on the one hand, we are looking to markets where the IBC has been traditionally successful, and on the other hand, to developing countries, with a very dynamic economy and a strong will to invest overseas”.
The promotional missions and the search for investment in that type of markets fits also in the group of countries which have shown interest in the business Centre of Madeira in recent years, namely those from Europe (Germany, France, Spain, Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Russia, Poland, Switzerland, Italy and Turkey) and others from the American continent (USA, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela).
Mr. Roy Garibaldi also pointed out that “investors wishing to develop their business activities at an international level could set up their structures in the IBC of Madeira benefiting, among others advantages, from a very low corporate tax rate. The International Business Centre has played a fundamental role in the development of Madeira’s economy, having the ability to, simultaneously, attract foreign investment, diversify the local structure of goods and services and contribute for the internationalization of the Portuguese companies”.
Additional information regarding the regime of benefits in force may be found in the International Business Centre site