Portugal has been the fastest growing country among the EU’s 27 members, insofar as innovation is concerned. It now ranks in the 15th position of the Innovation Union Scoreboard, presented in Brussels on the 1st of February 2011.
This ranking evaluates 24 indicators grouped into 8 large categories: human resources; open, excellent and attractive research systems; finance and support; firm investments; linkages & entrepreneurship; intellectual assets; innovators; economic effects. Portugal led the group of “moderately innovative” countries, ahead of Spain and Italy, and has been EU’s most progressive countries in terms of innovation.
Portugal has shown a better result in the indicators “New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34”; “SMEs introducing product or process innovations” and “SMEs introducing marketing or organizational innovations“.
According to the European Innovation Scoreboard, top innovation leaders are: Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Germany.