Funchal, 26th of April 2007 - Last 20th of April, Manuel Carlier, president of ANAVE, the main shipping association in Spain, and university professor, carried out in Funchal a presentation about the international maritime transportation.
This expert on shipping matters was invited by S.D.M. – Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Madeira and the University of Madeira to focus on different subjects related to the present status and perspectives of this dynamic sector of the world economy.
This initiative had as its main objective to improve the information around the international maritime sector, considering that Madeira has an International Shipping Register and is, therefore, part of this community. Taking into account that MAR is one of the activities of the International Business Centre of Madeira (IBCM) with best performance in the last years, the lecture by Manuel Carlier was also an opportunity to demonstrate how this kind of activity could contribute to the development of the local economy.
Addressing both students of the university and the professionals of companies operating in the ambit of the IBC of Madeira, Manuel Carlier touched upon matters related to safety at sea and environmental issues under the IMO perspectives.
The European an National regulation in light of the global laws, the lack of European crews and the Green Book about the future of the Maritime Policy in the European Union were also themes focused by this Spanish expert.
Mr. Carlier also gave his point of view regarding the competitiveness of MAR, especially for Spanish shipowners, stressing that the International Shipping Register of Madeira is a credible and interesting choice available in the shipping community.