The Ministries of Economy and Employment and Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Organization of the Territory have published co-joint Order 293/2013, of the 14th of May, regarding the implementation of the dispositions of Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006)
Considering that it has not yet been possible to conclude the MLC 2006 ratification process and to implement the respective regulatory framework in Portugal, Order 293/2013 temporarily appoints the General Directorate of Natural Resources, Security and Maritime Services as the entity responsible for the undertaking of all the tasks attributed to Portugal as a Flag State in relation to the MLC 2006.
This appointment allows, therefore, the establishment and communication of guidelines to shipowners with Portuguese flagged vessels concerning the implementation of the dispositions of the MLC 2006 until the final conclusion of the ratification process.
Order 293/2013 (original Portuguese version)
Order 293/2013 (free English translation)