Employers |
Candidates |
Since its implementation, the International Business Centre of Madeira has generated interesting job opportunities for qualified professionals in various areas, due to the quality and variety of the international companies who have established operations in Madeira. As a result, S.D.M. – Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Madeira, S.A., in partnership with the Association of Professionals of the International Business Centre of Madeira (APCINM), has created a database containing the CV’s of applicants who seek job opportunities within companies operating under Madeira's IBC. This information is made available at no cost to companies in Madeira's IBC, whenever they need to recruit staff with profiles that match those of the applicants. |
If you wish to recruit
If you are an IBC company and you are looking for qualified candidates, you may find in our database the applicant with the necessary profile.
The CV’s which we make available include various areas: secretaries, accountants, IT, communication, marketing, law, international relations, finance, economics, business administration, social sciences, languages, among others.
To benefit from such service, which is entirely free, please fill in the "Employer Job Posting Form" on the column on the right side of this page with the characteristics of the job and the profile required. Thereafter, we shall select and send you the most appropriate CV’s.
If you are looking for a job
If you are looking for a job or wish to have a professional opportunity in a Madeira's IBC company, please send us your updated CV in Word or PDF using the "Candidates Résumé Submission Form" on the column at the right hand side of this page. After being validated by our services, your CV will be made available in our database and will be submitted to Madeira's IBC companies, whenever these request an applicant with your profile.
In case you do not have a prepared CV, we provide the European curriculum model (Europass) and respective fill-in instructions, so that you may download it and fill it in.
Do divulge and use this service, which may become your opportunity to succeed in an ever-more competitive job market.
S.D.M.'s role and intermediation policy
S.D.M. only has a role of intermediation between the companies and the applicants, which means that job interviews are directly organized by the interested companies. Whenever you wish to close your application, please contact us in order to remove your CV from our database.
All data posted through this site is covered by our Privacy Policy and will comply with its Information Collection, Use, Sharing and Confidentiality principles and rules.
If you wish to access or modify your register or have your information removed from our database, please contact us using the address protecao.dados@sdm.pt and we will undertake all the necessary actions to comply with your request.